Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Week 9
So I'm out of time
as always! But this time cuz we kept losing power here today! Super annoying!! Sorry if I didn't get to your emails if you
sent me one! And if you sent me a dear elder
or a letter, I won't get the mail until tomorrow.
1. Despite the reckless
and lawless driving, I Haven't seen a single car accident here!
(So maybe stop
signs and stops lights and speed limits are there to kill us, cuz I've seen
multiple deadly car accidents in America).
2. A kid asked me
if I dyed my hair, cuz it's a different color from everyone else's.
3. I've just
gotten use to not understanding anything.
4. I went with my
zone Christmas Caroling, and we sang in front of a movie theater that had its
doors open, and inside I could hear the Guitar song Cliffs of Dover, and then
after that a song I recognized, but I don't know the name, but that second song
was all mostly screeches that are made with harmonics and the whammy. But man, I tell you what, a guitar has never
sounded so beautiful in the history of the world! Even the song that was straight screeches! It
made miss my Ibanez GR 250 with FAT 6 whammy guitar. Mom you better not sell that! Sell Jacob instead!
hahaha just kidding :P or am I?
5. They're getting
ready for Christmas here! They have it in
most of the apartment building windows, and they're playing music too; Most of
it American. It's bringing back memories
of home at Christmas time. I miss those
days. But just two more years
6. Miss you
guys a ton, and I miss all my swing dance friends. You guys are probably gonna have to re-teach
me when I get home!
7. The air here is
terrible. Some days you can't even see
the mountains that are just a couple miles away. This week I started miss the Sierra Mountains.
Those are my favorite place to be. No
noise, no trash (which is EVERYWHERE here), actual wildlife, the songs of the
birds, clean air, fresh water. I can
just keep going on and on haha. Dad!! I
wanna do the Pacific Crest Trail with you when we get back! I need to get out of the City! haha
8. Apparently
everyone here is like anti hunting. I
shared one of my hunting stories with a family we were meeting with. I didn't think it would have been a problem,
but I found out later, that people here are anti hunters. So people kill each other here, like every
day. No problem. But if you kill a squirrel it's a really big problem??? Whaaatt?
What crazy place is this??? haha I guess it's because the only wildlife here is
stray dogs, and people haha.
9. No we didn't
have a Thanksgiving here. But we're
gonna have a zone Christmas activity!!
10. And the
Highlight of the week, is yesterday. My
companion and I taught the Restoration of the Gospel! Even with my broken Spanish, the spirit
testified of my words to Teresa and Irvin, and also to me. It was very strong, and incredible! Then, after the Account of the Vision of
Joseph Smith, I asked if they would follow the example of our savior and be baptized
by someone holding the authority of God!
And they said they Would!!! Which is super awesome!!
And to make it
even better, the area I'm in right now is the nicest area, but the hardest for
missionary work. Not a single person has
been baptized here in about 3 years and the ward is super small. So Irvin and Teresa might very well be the
first ones in three years! I'm super
stoked for them! Cuz this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it blesses the
lives of everyone who partakes of it!
God be with you
until we meet again!
Love you
-Elder Elkins
Week 8
Man I don't know
where to begin!
It's crazy here
haha but I love it! I guess I'll start with telling you guys what it's
like! So I ended up getting
assigned to like the nicest area in my mission! So that's good! And the apartment we have is pretty good!
Compared to others haha but it's not the nicest. First off we have to hot water, again haha
the joke in the mtc with having no hot water was that we were just getting
prepared for Mexico! It turned out to be
true, cuz every morning it's a ASL ice bucket Challenged! It's not that much
fun haha. And it's like winter time here
so it gets pretty cool. And just about every window in my building is broken,
and the building isn't insulated either, so it gets pretty cold at night lol
the first few days, I didn't have a blanket. So the nights were long haha. But I have two now, so I'm happy! But it also smells funny here in Mexico. They have big open canals of just straight up
crap. So yeah it's not pleasant, but I
think I'm getting use to it haha. And
there are some many wild dogs here! And they poop EVERYWHERE. I stepped in
some. That was a nice present haha. There's also a bunch of dog foot prints in
the concrete from when they poured it, and then the dogs ran through it haha
But all the stray dogs are pretty chill. The only ones that want to kill me are up on
the roof, or behind the fence. And man
they're scary haha my first day here I think I jumped like 5 times lol. But I
guess if a dog really wanted to, it could jump. My mission president said he saw a dog jump
and kill itself. But the people
here have mean dogs to help protect their homes. Robbery is a pretty big
problem here. Every window has iron bars
across them, and each building is surrounded but barbed or razor wire lol. There are also trains that go through my
area. And today I saw two dudes standing
on top, and they had assault weapons to
guard the train. Well at least I think
they were security lol.
The food here is
good! And I haven't gotten sick yet! "Yet", being the key word there. Every greengo here gets sick at least a couple
times. It's just a part of life haha. And
speaking of greengos, I stand out pretty good! I'm taller and whiter than pretty much
everyone. Except maybe 3 others haha so
people stare at me a lot lol. One Sister
Missionary here who is from Utah said in one area, they would take pictures of
her. Almost like they've never even seen
a greengo before haha. I might end up in
that area too lol. But someone here told
me that I look like I'm from the coast, so at least I didn't get too white in Utah!
That's good! But I'm still noticeably taller than most
people haha. I have to duck to walk
under some of the street canopies. And
speaking of street canopies, if you want to experience Mexico, just go the farmers
market by my house. It's exactly the
same haha.
Most of the people
here are nice! There's only one guy here
who yells and cusses at us haha.
But the people
here have also figured out how to cuss at each other on the road with they're
car horns. Certain patterns mean certain
things haha.
The language is a
butt kicker. They don't speak Spanish here, they speak Mexican! And I can't understand anything! But it's coming slowly. And it's a good thing
my companion is a native Speaker! His
Name is Elder Cornejo! He's super
awesome! He's from Chile, and loves American
music, so he'll start singing random songs here haha. He's been out for 8 months today and he's been
learning English here! And his English
is pretty good! And has been a huge
help! But he's not a huge fan of the
food here and when something is spicy, it's really spicy for him! He almost died earlier from the panda express
food here haha. Yeah they have panda! And it's in the Wal-Mart, which is nicer than
the Wal-Marts back home haha. But yeah
my companion is super great and a hard worker and loves to have fun! On Saturday, my whole zone did a community
service project! We painted a couple
play grounds, pulled a ton of weeds and cut some grass! I think I know why Mexicans like bright
colors some much, cuz without it there would be nothing but depressing grey
here haha. So a lot of buildings and
every play ground here is painted with bright colors. The weeds we were pulling had a bunch of dog
poop in them that couldn't be avoided, so we got covered in it and there aren't
any lawnmowers or weed whackers here, so we had to use machetes to cut the
grass! It was hard work, but fun! One of the Native Elders here said I cut
grass like a man! So yeah I felt pretty cool hahaha. And the people here are always blasting
music! A lot of it American! I was so happy to have a break from being
stuck listening to the same stupid songs on the radio, but then I got here and
they play indie rock a lot. It bugs me haha. But they do play the classic Mexican
music too which is okay, but every now and then someone will blast hard core
rock! Which is fine with me cuz I was going through rock n roll recessions haha.
And speaking of rock n roll! I went on
splits one night here with the zone leaders! I was with Elder Allison and he's super
awesome as well! And we had a lesson
with a hard core rocker! Elder Allsion
has been working with him for a couple months now. He had a gnarly black leather vest and
big black leather boots. He had multiple
heavy metal necklaces on and hardcore rings on both hands and an Iron Maiden
shirt on. And when we met with him, i
didn't understand a thing. But Elder Allison had me share my testimony there. And so I said what I could in my broken Spanish,
and when I finished, the man (I don't remember his name which sucks cuz he's
super awesome) we were teaching said, he got the chills while I was testifying
to him of the truthfulness of the gospel, and the Power of the atonement of
Jesus Christ, and that Christ can heal us and change us for the better.
And That I had changed with the help of the atonement.
And then
immediately after, he started to cry. And
that takes a lot for a hard core rocker like him to start crying. So I know the spirit of God was there with us
and that Christ was healing his heart and changing him. He said he wants to be a better person. And he
has a lot of problems to fix, but he's on the right path. And I know that the Gospel is true and that
Christ and God the Father loves all of us, and are just waiting to help us. We just have to let them. My first week here has been great, but also
one of the hardest! I miss my friends
and family back at home. But I'm here to
serve God and the people of Mexico. This
Gospel is true. God is my father and I
am a son of God. I've sacrificed a lot
in my life to be here. And that's because I know that it's what God wants me to
do and I know this Gospel is the restored Gospel of Christ on the Earth. I know that people can be healed and changed
for the better through the atonement of Jesus Christ. This is my testimony and this what I'm
working for and why I'm going through these hardships for. I Hope all of you know these things as well.
But if not, all you have to do is ask God himself and he will send messengers
your way, so that He, Himself, can tell you these things are true. I say these
things In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ Amen.
Love all you
And I hope to hear
from you soon! I found out today I can
still get dear Elders Here! So please
send me a ton of letters! I love hearing
from you guys and when I'm having a bad day, one letter can make it all better! You have no idea how happy it makes
missionaries to get mail from friends and family!
Have a great
--Elder Elkins
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Week 7 - Arrival in Mexico
Hey guys! I have like 5 minutes to write this!
My pdays are on Mondays now, cuz Im in mexico! The key boards are a little different here, so there will be some spelling mistakes haha
well it is crazy here! but it reminds me a lot of sacramento! But there are some differences, the driving is insane, it smells funny, and no one speaks english haha there are a ton of stray dogs here, so thats fun! But the people are pretty nice! I just finish some in field trainning, and then had dinner, at a members home. and it was really good! I love it here! And I got a super awesome companion! Elder Cornejo! He is from santiago Chile! And he is learning english here too, so we help each other out! Well I gotta go now, but I will write more on monday! Have a great night! Love you guys!
Week 7
Hola mi amigos!
so another long week here in the mtc!
But it's my last! And Come monday I'll be in a different country where I won't know what anyone is saying! Awesome right?? hahaha
I'm super excited to finally get to the mission field and get to know the people, and teach them about Jesus Christ!
But then I'm scared at the same time haha we Skyped someone from Chile this week! It was cool! But She said something about catholics, families, and a river. That's all I understood, so It'll be interesting when I get there!
But still super stoked! And It'll be an adventure! I can't wait to get out and finally get to work with people. There's nothing I can say that will scratch the surface on how the Gospel blesses everyone, and how the atonement can heal any pain, and help with any hardship in life. I really don't have much to say about it. It's just amazing, and it's as simple as that. No es facil, pedo es simple!
So this past week we got about 700 new missionaries in! There's a ton!! But we didn't get a single missionary in our Zone, so after district 18C (my district) and the other one 18B, leave, it's just going to be 6 sister missionaries here!
So our Zone went from nothing but 40 elders for a few months, so just 6 Sisters haha they're gonna have a fun Priesthood Meeting next week lol
Nothing much else new here. All the snow melted, so I'm happy, and so are all the island and africa native, missionaries here haha
It's kinda crazy that this is my ultimo dia de preparacion aqui! And today I've been limping around all day too haha! Last night we were playing soccer in the hallways again, but this time without shoes, and Elder Carreon ended up kicking me right on the bone on the side of my foot, with the ball of his foot! there was a really loud slap, and I could hardly walk because a sharp pain in my foot every time I put weight on it. But Today It's just a little sore, and I'm able to limp around on it with only a little pain. So It's not broken! whoo hoo! And Father like Son right! haha for those of you who don't know, my dad had a severe foot injury after falling 20 feet, so he limped around for a while when recovering haha but my recovery is only gonna take 2 days haha
A few other things!
1. I'm getting sooo white here! My tan is like completely gone! Back home when I was a lifeguard, my co workers would say I am black, because I was so tan!
But now I'm starting to look like a pasty utah boy! NOOOOOOO!! Hopefully Mexico will change that haha
2. We got our hot water back this week! Of course it had to be the week we leave!
3. I'm super excited for mexico! I ;leave this monday at 3:30, and I'll get there later that day!
4. you have no idea how happy it makes an Elder to get mail, and packages!
5. send me emails! It'll take 6 weeks for letters to get to mexico, and I love getting emails from you guys!
6. I had a dream about duck hunting with an Elder who also hunts. We had a great hunt haha can't wait to get back out there :P
7. Every Member a Missionary - Thomas S Monson.
This week I learned how essential it is for people to have friends help them come unto Christ!
So go serve Christ and be a friend to someone who is in need!
and help the missionaries, we can't help others, without the help of you.
8. If you play an instrument, keep at it! I've discovered here that music is more precious than gold, And I wish I was better, so I could perform a musical number here! But the missionaries that do perform here are amazing and everybody loves it!
9. Next email you'll get will be from mexico!!
-Te Amo!! (I think that's how you say that haha)
-Elder Elkins
Week 6
Hey guys!
Another great week here!
We got the first snow!
and idk why everything has to be so dang cold!
So it's snowing out side, and in our classroom, they have the AC going! WHY!? haha
and the worst part about the cold, is our showers. So basically, They put us in the junkiest building here. Apparently there's rats on the bottom floor. and hot water doesn't exist in my building! It's been getting worse and worse, and finally we can't take showers in the morning without getting hypothermia. and there's like no water pressure in our building either. So you just gotta suffer through the cold water for a good 5 minutes. So we're just taking showers after gym now haha but oh well! the cold water makes for fun memories! and they are remodeling all the buildings here. So our buiding will go under construction, after I leave.
Yesterday we had our last lesson with our first investigator... it was sad. Love that guy. His name was Jorge! and he's super awesome! But since I'm leaving in a week, we won't be able to meet with him again...
But I litterally just got my flight plans for mexico! I gotta leave the mtc at 3:30 am, and I'll be traveling all day! But it's exciting! But also kinda scary, cuz we also taught someone whos a native spanish speaker. She was from columbia, and we skyped her! But I couldn't understand anything! maybe 5 words... and she was laughing at me the whole time cuz I couldn't say anything in spanish....
so mexico should be fun. Oh and We've gotten some emails from a missionary that was in our zone a while ago! So he's been there for like 4 weeks now, but we got an email from him when he was out for only 2. and so in mexico, he hasn't talked to a single person, he's had people yell and throw stuff at him, and he's been chased!
so Mexico sounds like a crazy place! I'm excited to go there!! haha And Don't worry mom, I'll be fine! The Lord protects his servants! But I'll probably have some crazy awesome stories when I get home!
There's a lot of work to be done in mexico! The Gospel of Jesus Christ can change people for the better, his atonement can heal any pain, and any damage that has been done. Through him, we can start with clean slates, and be made whole. I know that families can be together forever, and that through the gospel, you can have the greatest peace and joy in this life, and in the eternal life to come!
The Message we share as missionaries is so important, that despite persecution, and the dangers, we will go and work, so other people can have the same joy and peace that we have. If any of you don't have the atonement, and the gospel in your life, I invite you to search for it, and when you look for God, he will show himself to you, and he will bless you.
There's not much else new here in the mtc, other than that. The days are still long and hard with lots of work to do here. But it's still a great place to be. I love being a missionary of Jesus Christ!
I love seeing people that I teach here, become healed, and light and life comes back to their eyes! When we first me My friend Jorge, he didn't have any life in him, there wasn't any light in his eyes. But over the past few weeks, he started to smile, and laugh, there's a light the shine from him now, and it's an amzing thing to see that in someone!
a few other things
1. I'm now in the oldest district in my zone, and we are getting a few newbies haha
2. it's still supoer cold
3. Whenever we play soccer in the feild, and a school bus drives by, all the girls scream for us haha mormon girls love the missionaries! :P
4. only like 9 days until I'm in mexico! That's crazy!
5. Miss you guys! stay strong!
6. la vida no es facil, pero es simple.
(life isn't easy, bit it's simple)
May God be with you all
-Elder Elkins
Friday, November 14, 2014
Week 5
Hey guys!
Another great week here!
We got the first snow!
and idk why everything has to be so dang cold!
So it's snowing out side, and in our classroom, they have the AC going! WHY!? haha
and the worst part about the cold, is our showers. So basically, They put us in the junkiest building here. Apparently there's rats on the bottom floor. and hot water doesn't exist in my building! It's been getting worse and worse, and finally we can't take showers in the morning without getting hypothermia. and there's like no water pressure in our building either. So you just gotta suffer through the cold water for a good 5 minutes. So we're just taking showers after gym now haha but oh well! the cold water makes for fun memories! and they are remodeling all the buildings here. So our buiding will go under construction, after I leave.
Yesterday we had our last lesson with our first investigator... it was sad. Love that guy. His name was Jorge! and he's super awesome! But since I'm leaving in a week, we won't be able to meet with him again...
But I litterally just got my flight plans for mexico! I gotta leave the mtc at 3:30 am, and I'll be traveling all day! But it's exciting! But also kinda scary, cuz we also taught someone whos a native spanish speaker. She was from columbia, and we skyped her! But I couldn't understand anything! maybe 5 words... and she was laughing at me the whole time cuz I couldn't say anything in spanish....
so mexico should be fun. Oh and We've gotten some emails from a missionary that was in our zone a while ago! So he's been there for like 4 weeks now, but we got an email from him when he was out for only 2. and so in mexico, he hasn't talked to a single person, he's had people yell and throw stuff at him, and he's been chased!
so Mexico sounds like a crazy place! I'm excited to go there!! haha And Don't worry mom, I'll be fine! The Lord protects his servants! But I'll probably have some crazy awesome stories when I get home!
There's a lot of work to be done in mexico! The Gospel of Jesus Christ can change people for the better, his atonement can heal any pain, and any damage that has been done. Through him, we can start with clean slates, and be made whole. I know that families can be together forever, and that through the gospel, you can have the greatest peace and joy in this life, and in the eternal life to come!
The Message we share as missionaries is so important, that despite persecution, and the dangers, we will go and work, so other people can have the same joy and peace that we have. If any of you don't have the atonement, and the gospel in your life, I invite you to search for it, and when you look for God, he will show himself to you, and he will bless you.
There's not much else new here in the mtc, other than that. The days are still long and hard with lots of work to do here. But it's still a great place to be. I love being a missionary of Jesus Christ!
I love seeing people that I teach here, become healed, and light and life comes back to their eyes! When we first my My friend Jorge, he didn't have any life in him, there wasn't any light in his eyes. But over the past few weeks, he started to smile, and laugh, there's a light that shines from him now, and it's an amzing thing to see that in someone!
a few other things
1. I'm now in the oldest district in my zone, and we are getting a few newbies haha
2. it's still super cold
3. Whenever we play soccer in the feild, and a school bus drives by, all the girls scream for us haha mormon girls love the missionaries! :P
4. only like 9 days until I'm in mexico! That's crazy!
5. Miss you guys! stay strong!
6. la vida no es facil, pero es simple.
(life isn't easy, bit it's simple)
May God be with you all
-Elder Elkins
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Week 4
Hola Amigos!
Another great week!
But kinda the same old stuff!
But hey! I'm half way done with the MTC!
But another district is going to be leaving us next week, including elder Parkinson who is like one of my best freinds here! He's a crazy awesome swing dancer! And we're both having a hard time because we can't show off our crazy swing dancing move here! He's also a crazy awesome improv actor, the best I've ever seen! the past few nights, all the Elders would cram into his dorm and he would put on a show and they are some of the funniest things ever!!! We cry because we laugh so hard, and one elder pretty much threw up haha
But the spirit of God is here with us, and we are his missionaries! This past week My companion and I had the greatest lesson we've ever had in the MTC! We taught our investigator, Jorge about how families can be together forever and how the gospel blesses families. The spirit was so strong and I was able to speak spanish!! Because God was there with was and the powers of heaven enabled us to teach with ease! It was so great! And Jorge (who is also our spanish teacher) said the lesson was perfect! He was so excited for us! And he said that no one could convince Jorge (his role play) that the Gospel and this church isn't God's here on the Earth! It was amazing! But I can't speak spanish at the moment because I'm not teaching an investigator at the moment. That's the really crazy part!!
but I gotta go get a hair cut now, because I really need one!
a couple otro cosas.
1. I didn't get tackled on my birthday!
2. I was playing soccer, and then got the ball kicked right into my face which went numb, and then right after that I got hit by the ball in the spot that counts, so now I'm scared of soccer balls haha
3. I almost Got killed by a samoan playing volleyball
4.I can't wait for mexico!!
Te Amo!
-Elder Elkins
Friday, October 31, 2014
Week 3
So I'm like out of
email time so this will probably be short! But the Gospel of
Jesus Christ is true! It's amazing here at the MTC with so many of God's
miracles every day! One of them is I'm
actually able to have conversation's en esponol now! And I'm able to teach our
3 investigators now! It's awesome! But I'm now where near good enough yet! But
I'm getting there! Oh and I realized
I'm completely fluent in Spanglish, so that counts for something right??
Every PDay we go
to the provo temple. and it's way bigger than the Sacramento one! The temple of God,
is the best place to be, I love it there! It's so peaceful, and you can feel
the love of God there so strongly! It's the only place where we can get a real
break from everything!
So one of the
districts in our zone left this past week, and the whole zone is missing them.
they were all great guys and we had tons of fun! Now things seem a little empty
without them. But they're all out fulfilling their call to serve! We haven't
gotten a new district yet. We should be getting new missionaries next week
though! So we're all excited for that!
Another thing, it
was another Elder's Birthday a couple days ago, but he didn't tell anyone
because he didn't want happy birthday sung to him. (My bday is on Nov 2nd. WOO
HOO) and so we're all
out in the hall again playing Peg, with a Hackey Sack (I've discovered I really
like playing hackey sack) and we hear that it was this elder's birthday!
We decided to go sing to him, but he was hiding in his dorm with a few other
elders and the door was locked. But Finally another Elder who stayed in the same
dorm convinced him that he really needed in. And as soon as the door opened, we
forced our way in and started singing, But the Elder we were singing to tried
running away out the door, so we all tackled him a kept on singing while i was
holding him down by the legs haha it was great! so I might get tackled on my
Birthday now lol
a few other things
1. we haven't been
caught with the fart bombs yet haha but a member of the Branch presidency
regularly checks up with us almost every night now haha
2. Someone set off
the fire alarm again, but this time in the middle of class
3. I'm playing a
cello and I forgot how much fun it is! Hopefully I'll be
playing in big devotional coming up.
4. Still not
mature :P :P :P
5. Can't wait to
get to Mexico.
6. I figured out
how to say, "Do you even lift?" in esponol! ( Tu incluso
7. I discovered
the greatest discovery in the MTC! You can put a rubber band on a banana and
use it to shoot rubber bands! So a real banana gun! It's so awesome!
8. Love and miss
you all! The Gospel is true!
9. I'm getting
pretty swool!! (strong) I'm doing over 100
pushups a day now, and I can make veins pop out in my shoulders now hahaha it's
so cool!
10. I love getting
dear elder letters, and real letters!
God Be with you
until we meet again!
-Elder Elkins
Friday, October 24, 2014
Week 2
Que pasa!?
so this has been another crazy week. Idk where to begin again.
It's only been a week and a half but it feels like I've been here for at least a month! the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days.
And man, P-day could not have come soon enough! Well I guess I'll start by telling you guys that the scottish elder I talked about in my last email actually isn't scottish! He just was faking an incredibly real accent hahaha But there is a real scottish elder here, and he's the one who did the solo in the mtc choir last general conference and he did and amazing solo here at the mtc! Man I wish I could sing like him. But my new best friend here in the mtc, Elder Parkinson and I started an acapella group! so maybe I'll get that good. I'm also playing piano in sacrament meeting this sunday. We'll see how that goes haha oh and they have CELLOS HERE! I'm gonna go play one here in a little bit and possibly put together a musical number.
I'm finally getting use to the altitude so I'm able to work out harder. And let me just say, I'm getting pretty tone haha so girls, you might wanna wait for me! haha Every missionary here is missing their girl. We keep talking about them... and the missionary goggle syndrome is setting in. It's were every girl here in the mtc gets more and more and more beautiful because we don't have our girls here with us. It's hard not to flirt with them sometimes haha the closest we can get to flirting is holding the door open for them. which we do every single chance we get... haha
speaking of Hermanas I just witness a miracle of God yesterday! Sister Jammet in our district was really sick yesterday. She said it was the sickest she've ever been. She was crying and could barely function because she felt so bad. So we gave her a blessing by the power of the priesthood of God, and instantly she felt fine! There was a physical change that I witnessed right then and there in her. The life came back to her face and she got right back to work with a smile on her face! It was amazing! The power of God is real and it can and will bless your life if you just ask God. James 1:5
The spirit of God is so strong here. I love being a missionary for the Lord Jesus Christ. This is his church and he is leading his people. He cares and watches over every single one of us.
The MTC is hard. We're doing 16 hour days, with a minimum of 11 hours in class. It's hard studying inside all day and only to learn 3 spanish words a day. We have 3 people we're teaching now, all completely in spanish. It's very frustrating because I have a testimony, I know the doctrine, and the scriptures, but I can't share those things because I don't know spanish. So the MTC is hard. But I've been through harder. And that is because of God in his infinite wisdom has given me challenges in life to prepare me and to make me stronger. And my heart is filled with gratitude towards him. God gives his children trials that they may become stronger. It pains God to see you in pain. But he allows it to let you grow in wisdom and strength. Our Heavenly Father loves each and every single one of you. He wants only what's best for you. That is my testimony to you. And I hope you come to know these things if already don't.
a few other things.
1. I'm not use to being called Elder yet, cuz I'm no where near mature enough haha
2. most elders here aren't mature
3. Being a missionary is the best thing ever!
4. someone set off the fire alarm so we all had to evacuate one night haha
5. I love getting letters!
6. we have a rivalry with the elders downstairs, so an elder on our floor threw a fart bomb in one of their dorms. it was funny but not the best Idea. He'll probably get in trouble haha
7. I had a whole list of things to say but I forgot them.
8. we got a new group of missionaries this week! So I'm not the greenie anymore! haha but it was only 300. ( I came in with 600)
9. you guys take after me and are awesome! And sorry if I don't get back to you right away on any of your messages.
MIss you guys!
I'm almost out of time!
so May God be with you until next P-day!
Friday, October 17, 2014
First letter from Elder Elkins at the Provo MTC!
Hola mi Amigos! Qu'e pasa!?
Mi esponol es no bueno, but yo soy going to use as much as possible!
I'm sending this to a whole bunch of people as a general email just to let you know whats up! And I'm assuming it's going to be posted on the blog too Madre?
Anyways Fridays are the days that I can email here in the MTC! So this is only my third day here and it's SOOO LOCOOO!!
This isn't the missionary training center, it's MORMON BOOT CAMP! haha I love it here but it's constantly go go go!
The moment I got to the mtc campus, I was rushed through check in and got mi nombre tag which es all en esponol was getting that was a big highlight of the day for everyone haha
then I dropped off my luggage at my dorm, and then was brought to my esponol class, My maestra es Hermano Rios, he served in argentina! He's so awesome! I know he knows fluent English, but he only uses esponol! So learning and communicating es a little difficult haha
In the class I met mi first companero his nombre es Elder Garcia! He's only 1/8 Mexican tho and from colorado lol
We work great together! he's in tune with the spirit and so am I! so we agree on everything, and we get the exact same ideas, at the exact same time! It's so cool!
like the first day here, we started teaching some investigators, who are actors here in the mtc, and it's just like teaching people who aren't mormons! Elder Garcia and I can just keep going and going and going! While a lot of the other missionaries in the same teaching workshops tend to struggle a little bit.
speaking of going and going and going, that's all we do here! we're doing 16 hour days. we get up at 6:30, get ready for the day, come breakfast and then hurry to a three hour class with Hermano Rios! then we have lunch and then studies, and workshops, meetings and planning. We have like no time for anything! Like last night I didn't even have time to brush my teeth! Because we have to be in bed by 10:30. But we've had to stay up until 11:00 each night just cuz we still have a lot of things to do. I haven't gotten a chance to read any letters yet, so if you sent me any, I'll read and write you as soon as I can! We've had a bunch of orientation stuff to do, so that's why we don't have much time. and sorry if this email seems a little spacey, I'm trying to hurry cuz I only have an hour to write this and then report to my Branch pres.
anyways, yeah it's super crazy here! theres no such thing as down time here because it's just one thing after another. Like later tonight, we have a lesson appt. that we have to teach completely in esponol! so we've been studying like crazy for that!
We're trying to immerse ourselves in Spanish so we made a list of words that we can only use in spanish, and if we use them in english, we have to do 10 push ups a word. I did well over 100 yesterday,and I probably passed 200 by now just for today. But I'll be super buff when I get home! haha oh and by 'we' I mean my whole district, (except for the sisters) there's 6 of us in our tiny little dorm. Elder bradshaw is a total surfer dude from SoCal, so he's pretty cool and we get along great! There's another elder who's from south Korea! idk how to spell his name haha but he's going to Chile! idk what part tho. and the rest of us are going to the same mission, so that's awesome! everyone in my zone is super funny, and we have a great time together! yesterday during our zone meeting with our branch pres, non of us could stop laughing! it was great! and it was also really needed!
another thing we all love here is gym time! although, we haven't had time to make it to the gym at all lol but we've been able to do some running and volleyball! So pretty much gym time is sacred to all the missionaries here haha it's our only time to actually take a break from everything!
the mtc is huge! i meet new elders and sisters everyday! from all over the world! There's one guy in my zone from scottland and has the best acent ever! yesterday just before bed we were all goofing around, (even though we're not suppose to) and we had the scottland elder say that line from Brave, where the old dude says "Feast your eyes!" and lifts up his kilt. IT. WAS. HILARIOUS!! hahaha I still laugh at it!
So much to do, so little time! There's so much more I want to say, but I'm out of time!
I love you all! Write me! and email too! I only got one email this week!
I know this church has the preisthood of God here on the earth and the true gospel of JesuChristo! If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be here right now, because it is extremely hard work. I testify these things to you, as a friend and one who cares for all of you. if you don't know the gospel is true, then go find out for yourself!
Have a great week! miss you all! And hopefully I'll be able to get some personal emails and letters out. I just didn't have time today, so sorry about that!
May God be with you until we meet again! 
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